Do you know you can plan your vacations online from now?

Yes from searching to booking train or air tickets, from hotels to resort booking, everything is online now. You can now save your money and time by booking your hotel tickets from various online stores. Websites like Yatra.com, bookmytrip, traveladvisor, etc. allow you to use latest means and tricks to safely book your hotel ticket without any hassle.
Now coming to payments. How do you pay for online hotel bookings?
1. Credit card
2. Paying full amount and getting the best deals
Let us smartly move to book your online hotel tickets:
• Don’t rush and book your hotel: Online hotel booking gives you multiple booking options in front of your screen. Its high chance you get carried away with the offers. Make sure you don’t rush.
• Try to book your hotel after thorough research: Visit different sites and compare prices and services offered by different hotels at the same price.
• Check for hidden charges: Many hotel booking online websites levy hidden charges like online booking charges, service charges, extra. Such fee amount is although small like $1 to $10, but is never refundable on the cancellation of booking.
• Reserve your hotel: You can either book the hotel through online travel planer sites or go directly to the hotel website and get your hotel booked by giving your personal information like your contact number, your dates of arrival and check out.
• Check for payment due date: there are sites that allow you to pay either partially or in full. You can prefer to pay partially taking worst situation in view. There may be cases where you would be asked to cancel your booking. Be ready for such situation as well.
• Know your payment method: While booking your hotel reservation tickets, you get options to make payment either via credit card or debit card. The best way to stay on safest side is to book your ticket via credit card. You would be asked to give details of your credit card like credit card number while booking hotel tickets and the same would be used while making payments at the hotel counter.
• Payment via PayPal account: While using BookIt.com, you can use PayPal service to book your hotel. You don’t need to give your credit card details here. PayPal is a popular medium to book your tickets without filing any of your credentials. Just create your account and you are ready to go.
• You can make payment using reward points: Many credit card holders earn reward points for making payments. If you travel frequently, you must be aware of this service. Use your reward points here and book tickets directly.
• Booking via websites like Priceline: These sites display a list of hotel once you enter your budget and expected services details. You need to give details so as to get the best search results.
Above are some tips to online book your hotel without any hassle. Hopefully you find this information useful.