Located in a Southeastern Indian state, Tamil Nadu, Mahabalipuram or Seven Pagodas or most commonly known as Mamallapuram, is a historic town. Back in the 1st millennium CE, it was a populated seaport, and now the ghost of the past is an item of amusement for the ghosts of the future. The place has monuments that have been declared as UNESCO world heritage site, and more and more people are flocking to Mamallapuram every year. Here a couple of tips that will ensure a pleasant stay in hotels.

The time that you spend at this site of heritage should give you a good experience. But as to the quality of the experience, it depends on three things: location, luxury, and pricing. In this post, we will be talking about these in details so that you are prepared for what to expect when heading towards Mamallapuram at any given time.
There several stays from where you can choose. You will find a stay in every location, and the location that you choose will be as per your expectations of the holiday. Do you wish to stay near the beaches or someplace off the road where you can find peace and tranquility? The location of your stay will really depend on what you want out of the holiday.
Now comes the luxury, depending on the money you can afford to invest, you change to choose the most luxurious or the least luxurious hotels. There are budget-friendly hotels, and then there are expensive ones. Whether you are a romantic or an adventure junkie, your purpose will also decide the luxury you hope to experience.
It all comes down the budget. Whatever you want, you won’t get it if you don’t have the budget for it. But remember, even after you plan things properly, you can never see last minute expenses because they can come from anywhere. There is no reason to be disheartened because you will always find a hotel that comes with your budget and accordingly you will get the facilities. If you don’t like the facilities you see, you can always raise the budget, if you can at all.
Whatever you do, whatever you choose to do, the one thing that you should not lose sight of is that you need to be safe and keep your family or friends with whom you travel safe and sound. There are several guides on how to be safe, and you might want to go through them. We recommend that you have a clear idea of the location where the hotel is at, on the service they are providing, the food that they are providing before actually heading out towards Mahabalipuram.
Once you are there, inside the hotel, make sure that you have locked the door and see that, so one climb into your rooms from the windows. Know all safety information like the action of the emergency exit and emergency numbers amongst other things. If you have traveled via a private car, make sure the car is in safe hands. And never trust a hotel staff to take care of your children. How are you planning your Mahabalipuram trip? Let us know if you need any help.