How can automation technology used in hotels improve guest service? Is it possible to make customer or guest service more contemporary, personalized and convenient using automation technology? Well, hotels in ECR are ready to prove this claim. Wondering how! Just read this article.

Today, nobody can ignore the integral role of technology in modern lifestyle. Nowadays, technologies used in hotel for a better guest experience starting with mobile communication technology which allows us to make contact to anyone anytime. It takes only a few seconds or less to share your important messages to all your known ones, regardless to how far they live.
Just as the normal lifestyle, this technology plays a vital role in the business world as well. So, there is no sector and area left unaffected from the influence of mobile technology. And just as other sectors, the hotel industry is also getting greatly influenced with the benefits of this technology.
Well, a present hotel room is simply alike a modern human being that has to be updated with modern lifestyle. There are two major elements that determine the attractiveness of a hotel room and also the experience of guests and they are ease in usage and its ambiance. Hotels in ECR are well aware of these things and hence, they are fully ready to give guests an innovative yet comfortable hotel experience.
Read on following information on how hotels in ECR can change the perspective of customers or how automation used in ECR hotels are changing the way customers had been thinking about hotels earlier.
Rational Aesthetics
Considering the ease of guests, the hotels in ECR maintain rational aesthetics in all hotel rooms. Such aesthetics ensure each element of the room should flawlessly interact with one another. As it is a fact that the first impression creates an image that never lasts. So, when a guest enters a room, he would feel good seeing personalized and modern arrangements to satisfy the urge of guests.
A Welcoming Feel
The time guests enter in any of the ECR hotels, he or she is greeted with a great warmth that helps them being comfortable and makes them feel at home. At every stage or whenever they need, the hotel staff happily assists the guests and makes them feel special.
To give guests a sense of personalization in hotel rooms, everything is arranged in a personalized way as per the preferences of guests. This is an attempt at ECR hotels to offer guests a feel of intimacy, comfort and great familiarity.
Digital Service For Guests
To encourage automation for self-service, the ECR hotels feature digital service for guests. With this automation service, guests need to give a single command and that is all to convert the whole room into a personal cinema.
So, it is truly amazing to watch TV. This automation service can be applied to home theatre experience or ordering food from some selected dishes for you in the room, or controlling room temperature as per your choice, or arriving hotel at odd times and setting time difference from the single interface to manage light intensity and shutters in your hotel room.
Automation Systems Follow Preferences of Guests
Every guest has different preferences and the automation systems used in ECR rooms work according to individual guest preferences. The hotel staff prepares the system for the guest preferences prior to his or her arrival. Be it the TV language, tablet language or wake up call, room temperature or welcome drink, everything is arranged as per the guest preferences with automation systems.