Weird But True: The mystery of the balancing rock of Mahabalipuram
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August 12, 2014 by

This is one of those unexplained mysteries in science. At Mahabalipuram the 20 feet high and 5 meter wide rock estimated to weigh over 250 tons seems to pull off a balancing act like no other. Known locally as Krishna’s Butter Ball is not a rock that stands on an extremely small and slippery area of a hill. It’s hard not to wonder how such a big structure is stationary at a place where it’s impossible to be so. And it’s been there for over 1200 years. Yes you heard that right 1200 years seemingly defying the laws of physics.
Its original Tamil name is "Vaanirai Kal" which literally translates to "Stone of The Sky God"
Possible Theories:
The rock is believed to be naturally formed but theorists believe a natural formation such as this is highly improbable, as natural corrosion could not have brought upon such a shape.
Fact: This rock is bigger and heavier than the monolithic stones of Ollantaytambo, Peru or Machu Picchu.
The science:
The rock is balanced upon a 4 feet area of the hill. Its simple physics that a structure needs a 250 ton rock has a far-fetched chance of resting on a 4 feet area for such a long period. To site imagery, imagine a ball on a slope, unless it has a heavy footing it rolls down pretty fast.
The push attempt:
In 1908 the then Governor of Madras Arthur Lawley decided the boulder to be too dangerous to nearby homes and wanted it removed. Seven elephants were employed to push the rock. But to everyone’s surprise the rock couldn’t be moved and the task was abandoned.
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